Productivity Resources

Newsletter: Do less, not more

Since 2022, our team has been focused on doing fewer things that have greater impact, or the concept of “addition by subtraction.” (Thanks to coach Robert Friedland for the term.) This practice requires a diligent look at every new and existing commitment – personal and professional. This rationing of your focus is particularly valuable when time is…

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How do you learn to view failures as opportunities?

Learning to view failures as opportunities is a useful way to build resilience and eventual success, but it is easier said than done. If you’re working on building this useful muscle, start with others. Identify someone you admire and examine what happened after a key failure in that person’s career or personal life and how…

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Want to move from middle management to the C-suite?

Want to move from middle management to the C-suite? The first question we ask leaders with this goal is, “What is your professional North Star?” Fully understanding where you want to be in the next 5 to 10 years helps widen the aperture in terms of paths to get there. Having identified that, make a…

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Newsletter: Words To Live & Work By

Each July, we share a learning list that features various books and podcasts we enjoy. This year, we decided to share something shorter for our time-starved friends: our favorite quotes. Read on for some of our favorite bite-sized insights. On Intentionality On Doing On Self On Change On Focus On Progress Still looking for a long…

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We help high-achieving professionals in the nation’s most recognized law firms, financial institutions, and businesses scale the heights of career success and personal fulfillment.

You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.

Zig Ziglar


Working with Mountaintop is always a pleasure. I appreciate their genuine and heartfelt commitment to their clients’ success while always maintaining the highest level of professionalism.

— Jodi Skorupski, Style Success Stylist and CEO

I participated in Mountaintop’s Leadership and Business Development Academy along with several partners at our firm, and we were not disappointed.  The Academy introduced the ideas and methods our young partners needed to feel confident about their business development efforts.  For more experienced partners like me, the Academy presented a more deliberate and thoughtful approach to leveraging existing contacts and successes.  My colleagues and I saw results almost immediately.  Mountaintop’s approach works as long as you work the plan.

— Partner, Top-Tier Litigation Firm

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