Newsletter: The power of addition by subtraction
In 2022, our team has been focused on doing fewer things that have greater impact, or the concept of “addition by subtraction.” (Thanks to coach Robert Friedland for the term.) This practice requires a diligent look at every new and existing commitment – personal and professional.
We last took this idea up with you in our March 2019 edition and wanted to (re)share those reflections:
In looking at the next few months, I encourage you to reflect on the various demands on your time and energy and pause to ask yourself a few questions about those activities.
- Does this activity serve a necessary or substantial purpose?
- How did this activity get on my list? Should someone else do it instead?
- What could I take away or stop doing for this activity/process to make it better?
- Will this help me reach my career and/or life goals?
- Do the benefits I receive from this task match the effort I put forth?
These questions can help you do a sanity check on how you spend your time, particularly with those more difficult undertakings. As go-getters, over-achievers, and highly successful professionals, you are constantly presented with new demands, both personal and professional, and it is vital to revisit those demands on a regular basis to ensure that 1) you do in fact want to do them, and 2) they serve your goals for your life and your career.
I’d love to hear about how you manage and prioritize the demands in your life. Contact us here to chat.
Precious Williams Owodunni | CEO & Founder of Mountaintop Consulting
This letter was originally published in Mountaintop Consulting’s monthly newsletter. You can read the full newsletter here.
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