Newsletter: Wrapping Up Our 10th Anniversary Year

mountaintop consulting -10th anniversary

October 7th marks the end of our 10th anniversary year. And what a year it has been! You may recall we started it off by sharing this video with you about where Mountaintop was and our goals for the future. In it, we shared our goal to leverage technology to make our programs more accessible and expand their reach. Well, COVID-19 became the catalyst that took that plan from a 2-3 year goal to a near-term necessity. We launched our first Virtual Small Group Coaching cohort in June (with another coming this month!), have delivered a multitude of really engaging virtual workshops and retreats, and will be unveiling an online learning portal on our website this month, to which we’ll regularly add courses for individuals and companies.

This year also brought heartbreaking instances of racial injustice to the forefront, including the murders of George Floyd and so many others, spurring an increased fervor for and attention to diversity, equity, and inclusion. As we looked at our own organization and pondered how we could combat systemic racism, it became clear that we were in a unique position to help diverse individuals thrive, so we built out several programs. Prominent among those initiatives is Mountaintop Academy, an online curriculum we created to provide diverse law school students with the leadership, communication, and business development skills they need to build successful, fulfilling legal careers. TSU’s Thurgood Marshall School of Law is our first HBCU partner, and we’re extremely honored to provide this program at no cost to their top students. (If you or your firm is interested in sponsoring this program to help us reach more students, please let us know.)

With the conclusion of our 10th anniversary year, we are again thinking about legacy. What can we do to make this world a better place, one person or company at a time? Our plans are still unfolding, but we know they will combine our commitment to excellence, action, and authenticity. Thank you for joining us on this journey – your support, enthusiasm, and partnership are treasured. Here’s to the next 10 years!


Precious Williams Owodunni | President & Founder of Mountaintop Consulting

This letter was originally published in Mountaintop Consulting’s monthly newsletter. You can read the full newsletter here.

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