Video: One Easy Tip To Master First Impressions
When it comes to the topic of first impressions, we generally think of ourselves. What should we be doing? What should we be thinking? The funny thing is, they key to projecting confidence and “owning” any room you walk into is actually to focus on others rather than yourself.
We tend to enter rooms with thoughts in our heads about our uncertainty, our shyness, our not knowing anyone, or even our not knowing if we can do what it takes to merit the other people in the environment.
But if instead of focusing on ourselves, we focused on what it will take to make the other people we interact with feel comfortable, we would be able to reframe our mindset and do things differently. For example, rather than not making eye contact because you’re really shy or nervous, try your best to put the other person at ease by making direct eye contact and let that be your driver.
As simple as it sounds, it’s a pretty powerful tool: Make a lasting positive impression, not by focusing on yourself but by focusing on other people.
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